Beach, Garden and Cinema

The lounge/dining rooms in our specialist dementia care unit are themed and have, murals, pictures and features that stimulate positive memories. This approach is recommended in the University of Stirling National Dementia Strategy as it helps to relax dementia sufferers.

Our beach room features pictures of deck chairs, ice creams, fish and chips and evokes memories of seaside visits. After all who doesn’t like a trip to the beach! The large windows open out onto a safe outdoor area that is also beach themed with sand and pebbles to act as a physical memory trigger.

Garden room has a large garden mural to bring the outdoors inside on even the worst of days. In nice weather residents can enter a walled sensory garden with raised potting beds and remember days spent sitting in their own garden.

Cinema room has walls covered with classic Hollywood stars like Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant and Marilyn Monroe to bring a little glamour and excitement to Turfcote. As well as being a great place to watch a film the surroundings bring back pleasant memories of cinema visits.